"Providing Bereavement Counseling to Chinese Americans: A Cultural Adap" by Lillian I. Chen

Providing Bereavement Counseling to Chinese Americans: A Cultural Adaptation of a Western Grief Counseling Model

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Capstone Project

Degree Name


Organizational Unit

Graduate School of Professional Psychology

First Advisor

Fernand Lubuguin

Second Advisor

Hale Martin

Third Advisor

Michelle Dawson


Bereavement, Treatment manual, Behavior CBT, Death and dying, Multicultural counseling, Mourning rituals, Religion and philosophy, Coping styles, Cultural barriers, Chinese, Grief counseling


The aim of this paper is to extend the existing literature and propose an alternative perspective on bereavement counseling with Chinese Americans. This aim is achieved by integrating William Worden's (2009) grief counseling model with several cultural components that are relevant to counseling with Chinese Americans, including: (a) the barriers to seeking counseling, (b) the clinical presentations of Asian Americans, (c) the common coping styles among Asian Americans, (d) the major Chinese religions and philosophies, and (e) the bereavement-related cultural practices. The corresponding treatment recommendations will be explored following the discussion of each cultural element. Finally, a culturally responsive grief counseling model for Chinese Americans will be proposed in the last section, along with a discussion of important caveats.

Publication Statement

Copyright is held by the author. Permanently suppressed.


106 pages

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