"The Perpetration of Spousal Abuse by Male Combat Veterans: Recommendat" by Anne A. Alarie

The Perpetration of Spousal Abuse by Male Combat Veterans: Recommendations for Individualized Group Domestic Violence Treatment for Veterans

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Capstone Project

Degree Name


Organizational Unit

Graduate School of Professional Psychology

First Advisor

Lavita Nadkarni

Second Advisor

Martin Barnhart

Third Advisor

Chad Emrick


Post-traumatic stress disorder, Treatment, Substance abuse, Family violence


Recent estimates suggest that spousal abuse is, in fact, on the rise in the U.S. military (The Miles Foundation, 2005). As research specific to the impact of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on U.S. soldiers has grown since the Vietnam War, clinicians and researchers have begun to investigate how combat-related trauma affects veterans in terms of aggression, hostility and social/emotional functioning. The training and stressors experienced by soldiers in the military are unique and affect all aspects of the veteran's functioning. This paper discusses questions related to why combat veterans may be at increased risk to commit spousal abuse (verbal, psychological, and physical), the relationship between PTSD, substance use, and violence, and the advantages to individualizing group domestic violence (DV) treatment programs for combat veterans. Recommendations will be made for a DV treatment program specifically for combat veterans who also suffer from PTSD.

Publication Statement

Copyright is held by the author. Permanently suppressed.


85 pages

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