"Therapeutic Personality Assessment with Couples: A Short-term Therapy " by Sharon M. Wilson

Therapeutic Personality Assessment with Couples: A Short-term Therapy Model

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Capstone Project

Degree Name


Organizational Unit

Graduate School of Professional Psychology

First Advisor

Hale Martin

Second Advisor

Laura Tahir

Third Advisor

Ken Vaughan


Psychological assessment, Prison psychology, Couples therapy


This paper focuses on the importance of psychological assessment as a short-term therapeutic tool for use in couples therapy. Personality assessment, when used collaboratively, can be a vital contribution to the therapeutic environment and can help couples can insight into each other's character traits and behavior patterns. This paper addresses the need for a short-term model of couples therapy for couples where one partner is incarcerated. The author proposes using a slightly modified version of Finn's Therapeutic Assessment for couples - Therapeutic Personality Assessment for Couples for a Prison Setting (TPAC-PS). A future research paradigm is suggested to test the validity of the TPAC-PS model.

Publication Statement

Copyright is held by the author. Permanently suppressed.


52 pages

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