"The Eating Disorder Inventory-iII Maturity Fears Scale and Treatment O" by Alicia R. Goffredi

The Eating Disorder Inventory-iII Maturity Fears Scale and Treatment Outcome in an Intensive Outpatient Eating Disorder Program

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Capstone Project

Degree Name


Organizational Unit

Graduate School of Professional Psychology

First Advisor

Hale Martin

Second Advisor

Fernand Lubuguin

Third Advisor

Malia Sperry


EDI-3, Quantitative research, Assessment, Maturity fears, Eating disorder


Eating disorders present a significant physical and psychological problem with a prevalence rate of approximately six percent in the United States. Despite the extensive literature, identifying the consistent risk factors for predicting the course of treatment in eating disorders remains difficult. The present study explores the use of a standardized assessment, using the consistently validated Eating Disorder Inventory-III (EDI-3), in predicting treatment outcome. Specifically, the study investigates the particular scale of Maturity Fears (MF) on the EDI-3, hypothesizing that higher scores on the MF scale would predict lower rates of recovery and treatment completion. The participants were 52 eating disorder patients (19 AN, 18 BN, and 15 EDNOS), consecutively admitted to a five-month long intensive outpatient program (IOP). The participants completed an EDI-3 self-report at pre and post treatment, and their score on the MF scale did not show a significant predictive relationship to treatment completion or change in symptoms, as measured by the Eating Disorder Risk Composite (EDRC) scale on the EDI-3. This finding primarily suggests that maturity fears are not a significant predictive factor in an outpatient setting with adults, as compared to previous studies that found a relationship between maturity fears and treatment outcome, primarily with adolescent and inpatient populations.

Publication Statement

Copyright is held by the author. Permanently suppressed.


34 pages

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