"Therapeutic Assessment for an Individual with Binge Eating Disorder: A" by Amy Audette Ginsberg

Therapeutic Assessment for an Individual with Binge Eating Disorder: A Single-case Time-series Design

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Capstone Project

Degree Name


Organizational Unit

Graduate School of Professional Psychology

First Advisor

Hale Martin

Second Advisor

Fernand Lubuguin

Third Advisor

Cindy Silvis


Binge eating disorder, Quantitative research, Assessment, Single case, Therapeutic assessment, Eating disorder, Time series


Therapeutic Assessment (TA) is a treatment approach that combines psychological assessment and psychotherapy. The study examines the efficacy of this approach with an individual with Binge Eating Disorder. A replicated single-case time-series design with daily measures is used to assess the effects of TA and to track the process of change during the TA. The individual experienced inconclusive benefits after participation in TA. Significant change occurred in all variables measured, though none of the changes occurred in the hypothesized direction. Further research is needed to determine if TA is an effective treatment for individuals diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder.

Publication Statement

Copyright is held by the author. Permanently suppressed.


30 pages

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