"Asperger's Disorder in Older Adulthood: The Unique Treatment Concerns " by Brian Beaumund

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Capstone Project

Degree Name


Organizational Unit

Graduate School of Professional Psychology

First Advisor

Fernand Lubuguin

Second Advisor

Melissa Henston

Third Advisor

John McNeill


Asperger's Disorder, High Functioning Autism, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Older Adult


This article provides a theoretical consideration for the problems faced by older adults diagnosed with Asperger’s Disorder as well as implications for applying Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with this distinct population. The author presents the relevant literature concerning the unique presentation and common problems of each, traditionally distinct population: (a) older adults and (b) Asperger’s Disorder. The author then extrapolates this data into a theoretical conceptualization of the unique clinical presentation and treatment considerations for the underrepresented population of older adults with Asperger’s Disorder. The author then presents a review of the relevant literature concerning the application of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with each distinct population. From this review, the author presents a conceptual framework for providing older adults with Asperger’s Disorder with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to address their unique presenting problems.

Publication Statement

Copyright is held by the author. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.


50 pages

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