"An Essay on the Importance of Defining Playfulness: Engendering Playfu" by Ashley Sward

An Essay on the Importance of Defining Playfulness: Engendering Playfulness in Caregivers as a State, Trait, and Skill


Ashley Sward

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Capstone Project

Degree Name


Organizational Unit

Graduate School of Professional Psychology

First Advisor

Judith E. Fox

Second Advisor

Hale Marti

Third Advisor

Jaqueline Schwartz


Playfulness, State, Trait, Skill


It appears to be well established that play is extremely important. A great deal of research has been dedicated to understanding the effects and function of play, yet there appears to be significant disagreement about the definition of playfulness. In this article, the author outlines the varying research arguing for playfulness to be defined as a state, a trait and a skill. Additionally, the author addresses the implications that such definitions have in the clinical setting. It is asserted that only through understanding, assessing and intervening in each of the three dimensions of playfulness can a clinician engender caregivers to be more playful with their children. Strategies that clinicians can use to assess and provide interventions in each of the three dimensions are proposed.

Publication Statement

Copyright is held by the author. Permanently suppressed.


31 pages

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