"Working Therapeutically with Interpreters in Mental Health: A Curricul" by Julie Kendall

Working Therapeutically with Interpreters in Mental Health: A Curriculum for Clinicians


Julie Kendall

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Capstone Project

Degree Name


Organizational Unit

Graduate School of Professional Psychology

First Advisor

Tom Barrett

Second Advisor

Jennifer A. Erickson Cornish

Third Advisor

Janet L. Shriberg


Interpreters, Treatment manual, Assessment, Mental health clinicians, LEP


Given the increasing numbers of people who lack proficiency in spoken English, it would not be uncommon for American healthcare practitioners to encounter clients whose primary language is not English. Additionally, for those clinicians who specifically wish to work with immigrants, refugees or asylees, it is likely that their clientele will be comprised of LEP individuals and families. While many professional interpreters have completed formal training and been certified to provide their unique services, mental health clinicians rarely receive such training to help negotiate the complex dynamics inherent in working with LEP populations where the therapeutic relationship is altered with the addition of an interpreter. This training curriculum proposes the detailed, in-depth training for clinicians as recommended by numerous sources in the literature.

Publication Statement

Copyright is held by the author. Permanently suppressed.


8 pages

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