Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Organizational Unit
Chemistry and Biochemistry
First Advisor
Michelle K. Knowles, Ph.D.
Second Advisor
Dinah Loerke
Third Advisor
Martin Margittai
Fourth Advisor
Alex Huffman
Fifth Advisor
Joseph Angleson
Membrane curvature, Protein behavior, Plasma membrane
Variations in the physical deformation of the plasma membrane play a significant role in the sorting and behavior of the proteins that occupy it. Determining the interplay between membrane curvature and protein behavior required the development and thorough characterization of a model plasma membrane with well defined and localized regions of curvature. This model system consists of a fluid lipid bilayer that is supported by a dye-loaded polystyrene nanoparticle patterned glass substrate. As the physical deformation of the supported lipid bilayer is essential to our understanding of the behavior of the protein occupying the bilayer, extensive characterization of the structure of the model plasma membrane was conducted. Neither the regions of curvature in the vicinity of the polystyrene nanoparticles or the interaction between a lipid bilayer and small patches of curved polystyrene are well understood, so the results of experiments to determine these properties are described. To do so, individual fluorescently labeled proteins and lipids are tracked on this model system and in live cells. New methods for analyzing the resulting tracks and ensemble data are presented and discussed. To validate the model system and analytical methods, fluorescence microscopy was used to image a peripheral membrane protein, cholera toxin subunit B (CTB). These results are compared to results obtained from membrane components that were not expected to show an preference for membrane curvature: an individual fluorescently-labeled lipid, lissamine rhodamine B DHPE, and another protein, streptavidin associated with biotin-labeled DHPE. The observed tendency for cholera toxin subunit B to avoid curved regions of curvature, as determined by new and established analytical methods, is presented and discussed.
Copyright Date
January 2015
Publication Statement
Copyright is held by the author. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.
Rights Holder
Philip P. Cheney
Received from ProQuest
File Format
File Size
235 p.
Recommended Citation
Cheney, Philip P., "New Methods for Measuring Transient Interactions Between Proteins and Curved Membranes" (2015). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 1017.
Chemistry, Biophysics, Physical Chemistry