"A Case Study Exploring Organizational Development and Performance Mana" by Wm. Casey Crear

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name


Organizational Unit

Morgridge College of Education

First Advisor

Nicole M. Joseph, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

P. Bruce Uhrmacher

Third Advisor

Nicholas Cutforth

Fourth Advisor

Inna Altschul


Assessment, Curriculum, Development, Management, Organizational, Performance


Curriculum, as a concept, has been historically associated with traditional schooling, but the reality is that its application extends to many arenas beyond academia. Through the case study lens, this dissertation utilized the ideologies of curricular theorists John Dewey, John Franklin Bobbitt, and Ralph Tyler to explore how intended, enacted, and assessed curricula phases can integrate into a professional working organization’s comprehensive functionality and materialize into the planning and implementation of its operational infrastructure. Following content analysis of a selected institution’s operational system, using closed codes, a descriptive comprehensive curriculum was designed to address the research purpose of understanding employee performance and organizational outcomes. Findings indicated that curricular phases are inherently embedded into the organizational development and performance management of nonacademic spaces; moreover, the framework of an organization’s operational infrastructure consists largely of curriculum elements. The primary research implication invokes being able to manage the efficiency and effectiveness levels of (a) personnel unit performance and (b) the workplace environment, through curriculum analysis and prescription.

Copyright Date

June 2015

Publication Statement

Copyright is held by the author. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.

Rights Holder

Wm. Casey Crear


Received from ProQuest

File Format




File Size

413 p.


Curriculum development, Business, Organizational behavior
