Date of Award
Document Type
Masters Thesis
Degree Name
Organizational Unit
Josef Korbel School of International Studies
First Advisor
Rachel Epstein, Ph.D.
Second Advisor
Deborah Avant
Third Advisor
Karen Riley
Gold standard, Jordan, Nuclear cooperation agreements, Realism, United Arab Emirates
As one of about eight countries that supply nuclear materials and equipment for nuclear energy development to the rest of the world, the United States also requires some of the most stringent nonproliferation measures of its prospective clients. In 2009, the United States signed a nuclear cooperation agreement with the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Under the terms of the agreement, the UAE foreswore developing sensitive fuel cycle technologies on its own soil in exchange for the ability to receive U.S.-origin materials and equipment. The Kingdom of Jordan is also seeking to develop a nuclear energy program in the face of its growing energy needs. However, it has refused to sign an agreement with the same restrictive terms as the UAE’s. This thesis seeks to understand why the UAE has signed an agreement while Jordan has not. It argues that the driver of the different outcomes is the two countries’ respective power positions in the international system. This preliminary result seems to imply that contrary to some vigorous arguments in the U.S. policymaking community, the U.S. will have less leverage over global nonproliferation policy if it adopts a one-size-fits-all nuclear trade policy.
Copyright Date
August 2013
Publication Statement
Copyright is held by the author. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.
Rights Holder
Erica N. Fein
Received from ProQuest
File Format
File Size
64 p.
Recommended Citation
Fein, Erica N., "The Contrasting Paths of Jordan and the United Arab Emirates in Nuclear Cooperation with the United States" (2013). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 192.
International relations