Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation in Practice

Degree Name


Organizational Unit

Morgridge College of Education, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

First Advisor

Lolita Tabron

Second Advisor

Kristina Hesbol

Third Advisor

Erin Anderson


Access to preschool, Critical policy analysis, Early childhood education, Education policy, Universal preschool


High-quality preschool experiences are essential for preparing four-year-old children for a successful transition to kindergarten, benefiting them academically, emotionally, socially, and physically. However, access to such preschools remains limited, particularly for children from marginalized communities. This qualitative critical policy analysis examines transitioning from the targeted Colorado Preschool Program (CPP) to a universal preschool approach through the 2022 Colorado House Bill 1295: Department of Early Childhood and Universal Preschool Program. Drawing on Young and Diem's (2017) framework for critical policy analysis, this study explores the roots, development, and potential implications of the universal preschool policy.

This study analyzes documents and audio sources to provide insight into Colorado's political and historical context. It highlights the intentions behind the transition and the challenges it aims to address. While the universal preschool policy seeks to create a more equitable early education system, funding priorities may perpetuate inequities for historically marginalized populations and their families.

This research offers guidance for jurisdictions transitioning from targeted to universal preschool programs, with specific recommendations for Colorado. Suggestions include a phased approach, comprehensive targeted universal strategies, adequate funding based on individual needs, and collaborative data evaluation. Future studies should focus on implementing the universal preschool program in Colorado and conducting policy analyses of similar initiatives in other jurisdictions.

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Jamita Horton


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English (eng)


176 pgs

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1.1 MB
