"Effects of Narrative Video Script Advance Organizer Strategies Used to" by Philip D. Ambard

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name


Organizational Unit

Morgridge College of Education, Teaching and Learning Sciences

First Advisor

P. Bruce Uhrmacher, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Edith King

Third Advisor

Kathy Green

Fourth Advisor

Frédérique Chevillot


Advance organizer strategies, Foreign language comprehension, Video in language instruction


This study compared participant comprehension of content in foreign language videos using 2 different advance organizer (AO) strategies. The students were 50 college students enrolled in 3 sections of an intermediate-level Spanish course at the United States Air Force Academy.

In the collaborative group reading condition (AOg), students read a target language narrative video script aloud in small groups. Students then watched the video corresponding to the script they had read and took a 10-question English only multiple choice test. In the quiet individual reading condition (AOq), students read the same narrative video script quietly before watching the same video and taking the same test. In the control group condition, students did not have access to the narrative video script AO before watching the same video and taking the same test. Over the 3 day study, all students participated in each of the 3 conditions.

Results indicated that student scores were slightly better in the AOg condition than in the AOq condition. Student scores were significantly higher in the AOg and AOq conditions, when compared to control group scores. The researcher concluded that the narrative video script AO strategies utilized in this study increased target language video comprehension in participants, particularly when used in a collaborative group reading environment.

Copyright Date

August 2010

Publication Statement

Copyright is held by the author. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.

Rights Holder

Philip D. Ambard


Received from ProQuest

File Format




File Size

112 p.


Foreign language instruction
