Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Organizational Unit
College of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences
First Advisor
Mary Claire Morr Serewicz, Ph.D.
Second Advisor
Daniel Lair
Third Advisor
Elizabeth A. Suter
Fourth Advisor
Dennis P. Wittmer
Communication, Education, Mentoring, Relational dialectics
In the past 30 years, mentoring has gained perhaps the largest recognition of any phenomenon related to career success. Much of the current research that has explored mentoring relationships has been conducted in fields other than communication studies, although better communication is often the recommended solution to improve mentoring. The majority of research has focused on the outcomes of mentoring relationships, rather than the process of mentoring relationships. Mentoring has also not been studied through a relational dialectics perspective. This study explored the communication dynamics within mentoring relationships through a relational dialectics theoretical lens. The study utilized multiple methods including prompted joint conversations as well as individual interviews. Data was analyzed using thematic analysis (Owen, 1984). Significant findings include eight dialectical tensions constituted in mentoring relationships: openness-with and closedness-with, openness-to and closedness-to, integration and separation, stability and change, equality and hierarchy, individual goals and organizational goals, personal and professional, and structure and flexibility. Five management strategies were also discovered: spiraling inversion, segmentation, reaffirmation, balance, and denial. The identification of these tensions and management strategies led to a greater understanding of mentoring relationships, built on existing research to highlight the complexity in mentoring relationships, as well as supported the conceptualization of relational dialectics theory.
Copyright Date
November 2008
Publication Statement
Copyright is held by the author. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.
Rights Holder
Paul J. Kosempel
Received from ProQuest
File Format
File Size
162 p.
Recommended Citation
Kosempel, Paul J., "Mentoring Dialogues: An Investigation of the Dialectical Tensions and Management Strategies in Mentoring Relationships" (2008). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 345.