"Local Food Actions and Motivations in the Highlands Neighborhood of De" by Samantha R. Lester

Date of Award


Document Type

Masters Thesis

Degree Name


Organizational Unit

College of Natural Science and Mathematics

First Advisor

E. E. Boschmann, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Michael Kerwin

Third Advisor

Andy Goetz

Fourth Advisor

Martin Quigley


Denver Highland neighborhood, Local food movements, Sustainability


This study evaluates the local food movement within the Highlands neighborhood of Denver, Colorado. There are several potential outlets for local food within the Highlands and it is a diverse demographic community, which creates an interesting and relevant research area. This study evaluates the reasons behind the local food movement through qualitative research of community members, local restaurant owners, community garden members and community organizers as well as through participant observation. The goal of this research is to narrate what one neighborhood within a progressive city is experiencing within the local food movement. The local food movement was found to be present through many outlets such as a farmer's market, locally committed restaurants, several community gardens, locally committed households, several local food stores, local food-oriented community groups and a general desire by the residents to participate in a community-based effort working towards sustainable food systems. The motivations behind participating in the local food movement were found to primarily be building and fostering community, an increasing population that has the means to support local food and finally, a network of people and organizations that reach farther than just one neighborhood. This study has the ability to supply urban planners, city officials and community organizers in many U.S. cities with information about land use, sustainable food systems, the role of community and the purpose and benefits of local food concept.

Copyright Date

March 2012

Publication Statement

Copyright is held by the author. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.

Rights Holder

Samantha R. Lester


Received from ProQuest

File Format




File Size

108 p.



Included in

Geography Commons
