Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Organizational Unit
Morgridge College of Education
First Advisor
Elinor Katz, Ph.D.
Second Advisor
Norma Hafenstein
Third Advisor
Carolyn Elverenli
Fourth Advisor
Janette Benson
Achievement, Adolescents, Affective needs, Gifted education, Social and emotional, Whole child
Research indicates that social and emotional factors play a very important role in the achievement levels of all learners and especially so for gifted populations. This qualitative multi-case study was designed to explore, with a sample of secondary level gifted students, their lived experiences and the influences that contribute to their learning success. The rationale for this study stems from the researcher's desire to discover ways to better support secondary gifted students and to help them find more engagement and passion in school.
The purposefully selected sample was composed of five students at the middle and high school levels who had been previously identified as gifted. Additionally, another 17 participants (parents, teachers, administrators, counselors, and one school board member) were included in the study to lend further insight into the experiences of the student participants. The primary data collection method was in-depth interviews. Supportive methods included multiple classroom observations and document analysis. The data were coded and organized according to the researcher's questions. Analysis and interpretation of findings were organized according to this abbreviated conceptual framework: (a) Intrinsic and extrinsic influences; (b) Programming; (c) Achievement; (d) Relationships; (e) Affective struggles; (f) Understanding;
This research revealed that affective factors influenced these students greatly (in positive and negative ways) and these social and emotional student needs are rarely addressed at school. Further, it was discovered that the students lacked meaningful relationships with teachers at school and that there was a general lack of understanding about giftedness across all sections of this learning community.
Recommendations are made for the school district, specific school sites, teachers, parents, and students as well as for future research possibilities.
Copyright Date
January 2009
Publication Statement
Copyright is held by the author. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.
Rights Holder
Jacquelynn Anne Truckey
Received from ProQuest
File Format
File Size
171 p.
Recommended Citation
Truckey, Jacquelynn Anne, "Social and Emotional Factors and Achievement Patterns Amongst High Ability Learners" (2009). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 660.
Secondary education, Educational psychology, Special education