"The Impact of a Mentorship Program on the Academic and Personal Develo" by Larry Curry

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name


Organizational Unit

Morgridge College of Education

First Advisor

Kathy Green, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Karin Dittrick-Nathan

Third Advisor

Martin Tombari

Fourth Advisor

Jean East


Mentoring, University of Colorado Athletic Mentorship Program, Academic mentoring


This qualitative study explored the impact of having a mentor through the academic and social life of student athletes who were recruited to become mentees in a program called the University of Colorado Athletic Mentorship Program (UCAMP). The sample consisted of 10 randomly selected mentors from the community and 10 mentees who had been matched to these mentors. The mentors and mentees, respectively, expressed their experiences of the mentoring relationship as well as their satisfaction with UCAMP, offering suggestions for its improvement. An interview protocol framed the interview and details of what took place during that time for both the mentor and mentee who worked together. Separate questionnaires were used for the mentors and mentees, respectively, with both sets of questions closely tied to the research questions. Key findings were as follows: (a) engaging and matching played a key role in the success of the mentoring experience; (b) relationship building added to the success of the mentormentee relationship; (c) time and persistence in establishing the mentor-mentee relationship seemed to add to the bonding process and positive outcome; and (d) mentees who not only had a mentor but were able to make a meaningful connection perceived that this strengthened their career accomplishment. Foreign students seemed to appreciate and gain even more from having had a mentor and a relationship with someone outside of the university system. Based on the findings, suggestions were provided for a mentoring program model. It was suggested that the experiences and stories shared by the student athletes and their mentors be used to prepare the way for future studies and training regarding replication of this model. Other directions for future research were also recommended.

Copyright Date

January 2010

Publication Statement

Copyright is held by the author. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.

Rights Holder

Larry Curry


Received from ProQuest

File Format




File Size

165 p.


Social sciences education, Animal behavior, Educational leadership
