Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Organizational Unit
Morgridge College of Education
First Advisor
Kathy E. Green, Ph.D.
Second Advisor
Cynthia Hazel
Third Advisor
Laurie Bennett
Fourth Advisor
Frédérique Chevillot
Bullying, Measurement, Power imbalance, Psychometrics, Rasch modeling, Victimization
The empirical study of the power imbalance in the bully/victim relationship has impeded research synthesis, and the need for a quantitative measure of this key component has been well established in the literature. Lack of differentiation between victimization with and without power imbalance has been cited as a possible cause for imprecise measurement. Increased precision in bully victimization measurement is needed to accurately inform research investigating psychosocial health, treatment and positive outcomes, in addition to prevention and intervention programs. Therefore, the purpose of this dissertation was the initial development and validation of the Bully/Victim Power Inventory aimed at differentiating perceived power in a bully/victim relationship in a two-study four-phase structure. Phase I consisted of a literature review, construct determination, and target group identification. Data collected from focus groups, content expert reviews, and cognitive interviews determined domain definitions, and quantitative scale construction in Phase II. Phase III comprised quantitative evaluation of pilot and field administration data, by item analysis, factor analysis, principal components analysis of residuals, Rasch modeling, and Phase IV tested instrument validity. Internal consistency reliability, and construct and content validity was examined across students in grades 9-12 in an urban high school in the Rocky Mountain region of the U.S. Results supported the dimensionality, response scale use, internal consistency reliability, and validity of the BVPI. Low but acceptable person-separation reliability was found in each of the subscales. Suggestions for improvement, implications for use and future research are discussed.
Copyright Date
January 2012
Publication Statement
Copyright is held by the author. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.
Rights Holder
Marybeth Plonkey-Lehto
Received from ProQuest
File Format
File Size
327 p.
Recommended Citation
Plonkey-Lehto, Marybeth, "Bully/Victim Power Inventory: Measuring the Power Imbalance in the Bully/Victim Relationship" (2012). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 858.
Quantitative psychology and psychometrics, Educational psychology, Mental health
Included in
Educational Psychology Commons, Quantitative Psychology Commons, School Psychology Commons