"Multicultural Events Within Group Supervision: Minority Experiences an" by Jacqueline Renee Moreno

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name


Organizational Unit

Morgridge College of Education, Counseling Psychology

First Advisor

Maria T. Riva, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Kathy Green

Third Advisor

Maria Salazar


Ethnic minorities, Group supervision, Multicultural supervision, Training and supervision


The current investigation utilized a mixed-methods design. In Phase I, 76 ethnic minority graduate students in psychology and counseling Master's and doctoral programs completed surveys that explored their general experiences in group supervision as well as the occurrence of multicultural events, and positive and negative factors of the reported events. Surveys also assessed supervisees' perspectives of their supervisor's multicultural competence level, group supervision satisfaction, and their own racial identity and multicultural competence. In Phase II, 20 volunteers from the first phase participated in qualitative interviews that explored in more depth the multicultural event they more briefly discussed in the survey and what factors contributed to this event being a positive or negative experience. Quantitative findings indicated significant, positive relationships between perceived supervisor multicultural competence and group supervision satisfaction, and supervisee multicultural competence and racial identity development. The relationships between racial identity and group supervision satisfaction, and supervisee multicultural competence and group supervision satisfaction were not significant. The relationship between supervisee multicultural competence and perceived supervisor multicultural competence was found to be significant, although not hypothesized. Findings indicated that perceived supervisor multicultural competence was a significant predictor of group supervision satisfaction in a multiple regression when combined with other variables. Themes emerged from the qualitative analyses including what factors contributed to positive and negative experiences. The data were grouped into General, Typical, and Variant responses. Participants reported group leaders being directive, addressing multicultural issues, openness, and the impact of their own ethnic identity as variables that led to positive experiences. Typical responses to negative events included the supervisor being responsible for the outcome, supervisors' multicultural awareness, and not addressing cultural issues. These and other results highlight the implications for both training and practice to effectively address multicultural events in group supervision.

Copyright Date

January 2009

Publication Statement

Copyright is held by the author. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.

Rights Holder

Jacqueline Renee Moreno


Received from ProQuest

File Format




File Size

207 p.


Social Sciences Education, Clinical Psychology
