"Slim Styles and the Brothers of the Light" by Christopher Massenburg

Slim Styles and the Brothers of the Light

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Liberal Studies

Organizational Unit

University College, Arts and Culture Management


Liberal Studies

First Advisor

Jennifer Zukowski Boughn


Character, Creative writing, Massenburg, Novella, Self-discovery, Short fiction, Short story, Slim, Urban fiction


Slim Styles and the Brothers of the Light consists of a short novella, intended to be part of a series, introduced by a narrative essay. The work is about the search for identity, the pursuit of happiness, and the struggle to maintain self assurance while finding a place in the world. The story follows the main character as he slowly learns the truth about an organization he joined looking for a sense of value and worth. With his back against the wall he has to return to the home he was taught to be ashamed of, face the friends he left behind, and apologize to the lover he took for granted. The manuscript is a work in progress.

Publication Statement

Copyright is held by the author. Permanently suppressed.

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