

Household expenditure on Water supply, water problems and health


Due to rapid urbanization, especially in developing countries such as India, has affected the availability and quality of groundwater is contaminated, its quality cannot be restored by stopping the pollutants from the source. The common pollutants of groundwater are discharge of agricultural, domestic, and industrial waste, pesticides, etc., which leads to water-borne diseases. Water-diseases may be of microbial origin such as diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera and typhoid and chemical origin such as fluorosis and methemoglobinemia, therefore, in order to consume the quality water people need to spend more on water supply as other household expenditure, such as: food, clothing, housing (rent), energy, transport, etc., A significant number of people purchase water from private and public water suppliers and that they incur a sizeable expenditure on water purchases; some of these households are also willing to pay additional amounts for improved water supply from public and private sources for their health benefits. The results suggest that improvements in water supply would significantly increase the welfare of the people. This is clearly a public health risk that must be addressed along with the issue of water service affordability.
