

People, Management, Digitalization, Competition


The effects of the digitization of the work provide companies and educational institutions uncertainty. Therefore new future working skills of employees will be necessary. This applies in particular to those employees in the field of information technology who are particularly affected by digitization and who mostly perform on the technologically cutting edge of information technology. The practical part of this aims to present an analysis model which explores the work activities of IT specialists through quantitative and qualitative analysis methods and shows which informal skills are placed in the work activities of the employees. In today’s business climate of global competition and escalating expectations, top-level executives of leading organizations spend relatively little on time setting goals or focusing on market share, the management mantra of the 1970s and 1980s. Instead, they recognize that it has never been more important to focus on managing their people, so that they are motivated and committed to delivering quality products and services. It’s no secret that business success today revolves largely around people, not capital. Many traditional manufacturers are now essentially service businesses. In most Industries, people costs are much higher than capital costs. Even when a company isn’t people intensive overall, a people-based business embedded in the company often drives corporate performance. Yet for the most part, today’s business performance measures and management practices don’t reflect the particular economics of people- driven businesses.
