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Organizational Units

Sturm College of Law


Experiential learning, Experiential education, Legal education


Law schools across the country are under pressure to do two seemingly contradictory things. First, we must do a better job of preparing our graduates for practice. Most commentators, including me, believe that this requires law schools to increase the quantity and quality of experiential education we provide. At the same time, law schools are under pressure to control costs. If we do not do so, we risk pricing a large and growing segment of the population out of our market. Can law schools meet both of these mandates simultaneously? The received wisdom seems to be that experiential education is the most expensive type of education. So can we offer more and better experiential education and still control costs? The short answer is probably yes. But to do so, it is important to understand the cost structure of experiential education. This Essay will attempt to help with that project. The Essay will start by examining some of the work that that has already been done on trying to understand the costs of experiential education, noting some important gaps in that work. The Essay will then fill those gaps, providing a comprehensive and up-to-date model of the costs of different types of experiential legal education, as well as the costs of some types of more traditional legal education. It will conclude by discussing some ramifications of the cost model for deans and curriculum committees as they think about how to manage and expand their schools' experiential offerings. And it will discuss some promising new hybrid experiential courses, which have the potential to provide high-quality opportunities for students at relatively low cost.

Publication Statement

Originally published as Martin J. Katz, Understanding the Costs of Experiential Legal Education, 1 J. EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING 28 (2015).

Copyright is held by the author. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.

Rights Holder

Martin J. Katz


Received from author

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English (eng)


32 pgs

File Size

1.7 MB

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