With a long tradition of rigorous legal scholarship, University of Denver Sturm College of Law faculty members publish articles in the nation’s top scholarly journals and in numerous peer-reviewed and specialty journals. The faculty’s extensive record of interdisciplinary scholarly publication includes academic books, treatises, and leading law school casebooks, in addition faculty members implement innovative approaches to teaching and learning.
Submissions from 2024
From Gods to Google: How Religious Speech Cases May Fortify the Deregulatory First Amendment, Rebecca Aviel, Margot E. Kaminski, Toni M. Massaro, and Andrew Keane Woods
College Athlete Unionization, Roberto L. Corrada
RPL, CRT, & LatCrit: "Finding the 'Me' in the Legal Academy", Roberto L. Corrada
How Crime Dramas Undermine Miranda, Ian Farrell and Nancy Leong
Pleading Failures in Monell Litigation, Nancy Leong, Katelyn Elrod, and Matthew Nilsen
Forced Pooling: The Unconstitutional Taking of Private Property, Kevin J. Lynch
Preemption: Opportunities and Obstacles for Climate Adaptation, Kevin J. Lynch
Living the Good Life in the Anthropocene, Kevin J. Lynch, Karrigan Börk, Karen Bradshaw, Rebecca Bratspies, Bruce Carpenter, Cinnamon Carlarne, Robin Kundis Craig, Sarah Fox, Josh Galperin, Francis Hicks, Keith Hirokawa, Ruhan S. Nagra, Michele Okoh, Jessica Owley, Amber Polk, Melissa Powers, Shannon Roesler, J .B . Ruhl, Danielle Stokes, and Anastasia Telesetsky
Submissions from 2023
The Weaponization of Attorney’s Fees in an Age of Constitutional Warfare, Rebecca Aviel and Wiley Kersh
Aequitas: Seeking Equilibrium in Title IX, Raymond Trent Cromartie
The Shared Ethical Framework to Allocate Scarce Medical Resources: A Lesson from COVID-19, Ezekiel J. Emanuel and Govind C. Persad
Grandma Got Arrested: Police, Excessive Force, and People with Dementia, Rashmi Goel
Municipal Failures, Nancy Leong
Preliminary Injunctions in Public Law: The Merits, Kevin J. Lynch
Considering Vaccination Status, Govind C. Persad
Defining Health Affordability, Govind C. Persad
Fair Domestic Allocation of Monkeypox Virus Countermeasures, Govind C. Persad, R. J. Leland, Trygve Ottersen, Henry S. Richardson, Carla Saenz, G. Owen Schaefer, and Ezekiel J. Emanuel
Did the Superbowl Ad Curse Heighten Defined Contribution Plan Fiduciary Duties?: Deciphering the Legal and Ethical Landscape of Cryptocurrency Options in 401(k)s, Lauren K. Valastro
Submissions from 2022
Compelled Speech and the Regulatory State, Alan K. Chen
Teaching a Hybrid Administrative Law Simulation Class Using Jurassic Park, Roberto L. Corrada
Off-Label Prescription of COVID-19 Vaccines in Children: Clinical, Ethical, and Legal Issues, Jennifer deSante-Bertkau; Timothy Knilans; Govind Persad; Patricia Zettler; Holly Fernandez Lynch JD, MBE; and Armand H. Matheny Antimmaria
Time of Renewables, K.K. DuVivier and Haley Balentine
We Can Help Many of the 2,200 People Dying of COVID Every Day, Ezekiel J. Emanuel and Govind C. Persad
Preventive Law in Corporate Practice, Robert M. Hardaway
Colorado Evidence: Courtroom Manual, Robert M. Hardaway and Glen Weissenberger
Time for USPTO to End Marijuana Company TM Disclaimers, Sam Kamin and Viva R. Moffat
Criminalization as a Solution to Abuse, Tamara L. Kuennen
Reviving “Part Two” of the Power and Control Wheel, Tamara L. Kuennen and Jennifer Eyl
Errors in Converting Principles to Protocols: Where the Bioethics of US Covid‐19 Vaccine Allocation Went Wrong, William F. Parker, Govind C. Persad, and Monica E. Peek
Reserve System Design for Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources in a Pandemic: Some Perspectives from the Field, Parag A. Pathak, Govind C. Persad, Tayfun Sönmez, and M. Utku Unver
Equal Protection and Scarce Therapies: The Role of Race, Sex, and Other Protected Classifications, Govind C. Persad
Minimum Age Cutoffs and the Fair Allocation of Benefits, Govind C. Persad
Reforming Age Cutoffs, Govind C. Persad
Who Should Be Prioritized for Scarce Medical Assistance?, Govind C. Persad
Why the FDA Was Wrong to Delay Authorization of Vaccines for Kids Under 5, Govind C. Persad
In the Line for Scarce Covid Treatments, Immunocompromised Americans Should Go Before the Unvaccinated, Govind C. Persad and Emily Largent
A Comprehensive Covid-19 Response—The Need for Economic Evaluation, Govind C. Persad and Ankur Pandya
Fair Access to Scarce Medical Capacity for Non-Covid-19 Patients: A Role for Reserves, Govind C. Persad, Parag A. Pathak, Tayfun Sönmez, and M. Utku Unver
Fair Allocation of Scarce Therapies for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Govind C. Persad, Monica E. Peek, and Seema K. Shah
How to Fairly Allocate Scarce COVID-19 Therapies, Govind C. Persad, Monica E. Peek, and Seema K. Shah
Flexible Administration of COVID-19 Vaccines and Therapeutics—A Call for Clarity Around Legality, Liability, and Compensation for Injury, Govind C. Persad; Patricia Zettler; and Holly Fernandez Lynch JD, MBE
COVID-19 Vaccine Refusal and Fair Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources, Govind Persad and Emily A. Largent
The Broken Fourth Amendment Oath, Laurent Sacharoff
Who Controls the Sidewalks?, Sarah Schindler
Runaway Rents: The Law Is Failing Renters, Sarah Schindler and Kellen Zale
Administrative Law: A Casebook, Bernard Schwartz, Roberto L. Corrada, and J Robert Brown Jr
Dose Optimisation and Scarce Resource Allocation: Two Sides of the Same Coin, Garth Strohbehn, Govind C. Persad, William F. Parker, and Srinivas Murthy
A Multicenter Weighted Lottery to Equitably Allocate Scarce COVID-19 Therapeutics, Douglas B. White, Erin K. McCreary, Chung-Chou H. Chang, Mark Schmidhoffer, J. Ryan Bariola, Naudia N. Jonassaint, Govind C. Persad, Robert D. Truog, Parag A. Pathak, Tayfun Sönmez, and M. Utku Unver
Race-Specific, State-Specific COVID-19 Vaccination Rates Adjusted for Age, Elizabeth Wrigley-Field, Kaitlyn M. Berry, and Govind C. Persad
Submissions from 2021
Remedial Commandeering, Rebecca Aviel
Lawyer Speech, Investigative Deception, and the First Amendment, Rebecca Aviel, Alan K. Chen, and false
Becoming Global Lawyers? A Comparative Study of Civic Professionalism, John Bliss
Why Do States Ban “Electioneering” but Allow Guns at Polling Places?, Joseph Blocher and Alan Chen
Privacy Losses as Wrongful Gains, Bernard Chao
Seeking Transparency in Waco, Bernard H. Chao
Is Green Energy Truly Green?...The Growing Pains of Green Energy, K.K. DuVivier
Preventing Wind Waste, K.K. DuVivier
Obligations in a Global Health Emergency - Authors' Reply, Ezekiel J. Emanuel
What are the Obligations of Pharmaceutical Companies in a Global Health Emergency?, Ezekiel J. Emanuel, Allen Buchanan, Shuk Ying Chan, Cécile Fabre, Daniel Halliday, Joseph Heath, Lisa Herzog, R. J. Leland, Matthew S. McCoy, Ole F. Norheim, Carla Saenz, G. Owen Schaefer, Kok Chor Tan, Christopher Heath Wellman, Jonathan Wolff, and Govind Persad
This Is the Wrong Way to Distribute Badly Needed Vaccines, Ezekiel J. Emanuel and Govind C. Persad
US Should Share Vaccines It’s Not Using with the World, Ezekiel J. Emanuel and Govind C. Persad
Determining the Number of Refugees to Be Resettled in the United States: An Ethical and Policy Analysis of Policy-level Stakeholder Views, Rachel Fabi, Daniel Serwer, Namrita S. Singh, Govind Persad, Paul Spiegel, and Leonard Rubenstein
Intimate Partner Violence Through the Eyes of the Military “Dependent” Spouse, Xander Franklin and Tamara Kuennen
Rethinking Environmental Law: Why Environmental Laws Should Conform to the Laws of Nature, Jan G. Laitos
Incorporating Health Equity Into COVID-19 Reopening Plans: Policy Experimentation in California, Emily A. Largent, Govind Persad, Michelle M. Mello, Danielle M. Wenner, Daniel B. Kramer, Brownsyne Tucker Edmonds, and Monica Peek
Enjoyed by White Citizens, Nancy Leong
Yes, It’s Legal for Businesses and Schools to Require You to Get the COVID-19 Vaccine, Holly Fernandez Lynch JD, MBE and Govind C. Persad
Employment Discrimination Law, Cases and Materials on Equality in the Workplace, Maria L. Ontiveros and Roberto L. Corrada
Why The Biden Administration’s Recommendation on Booster Shots Is a Mistake, William Fiske Parker and Govind C. Persad
Fair Allocation at COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Sites, William F. Parker, Govind C. Persad, and Monica E. Peek
Four Recommendations to Efficiently and Equitably Accelerate the COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout, William F. Parker, Govind C. Persad, and Monica E. Peek
Against Exclusive Survivalism: Preventing Lost Life and Protecting the Disadvantaged in Resource Allocation, Govind Persad
Allocating Medicine Fairly in an Unfair Pandemic, Govind Persad
Improving the Ethical Review of Health Policy and Systems Research: Some Suggestions, Govind Persad
Prioritizing the Prevention of Early Deaths during Covid-19, Govind Persad
Sustainability, Equal Treatment, and Temporal Neutrality, Govind Persad
Tailoring Public Health Policies, Govind Persad
Can Vaccine Allocation Plans Legally Respond to Racial Disparities?, Govind C. Persad
Letter in reply to Bernard Prusak, et al., Govind C. Persad
Pricing Drugs Fairly, Govind C. Persad
Should Booster Shots Be Mandatory? It’s Hard to Justify., Govind C. Persad
Vaccinating the World: The Problem with Drop-in-the-Bucket Thinking, Govind C. Persad
Can COVID-19 Vaccines Be Global Public Goods?, Govind C. Persad and Ezekiel J. Emanuel
Can COVID-19 Vaccines Be Global Public Goods?, Govind C. Persad and Ezekiel J. Emanuel
Millions of Vaccines Are About to Expire. The U.S. Might Just Let Them Go to Waste, Govind C. Persad and Holly Fernandez Lynch
Age-Based Vaccine Distribution Is Not Only Unethical. It’s Also Bad Health Policy., Govind C. Persad, Emily Largent, and Ezekiel J. Emanuel
Extending the Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Pause for a Week Was a Deadly Mistake, Govind C. Persad and William Fiske Parker
American COVID Boosters and Global Vaccinations: How to Ensure Both Get Done, Govind C. Persad, William Fiske Parker, and Ezekiel J. Emanuel
Taming the 4th COVID surge: Delay second shots and get first vaccine doses into arms ASAP, Govind C. Persad, William Fiske Parker, and Ezekiel J. Emanuel
Should Vaccinating Children Off-Label Against COVID-19 Be Universally Prohibited?, Govind C. Persad; Patricia Zettler; and Holly Fernandez Lynch JD, MBE
Ethical Considerations of Offering Benefits to COVID-19 Vaccine Recipients, Govind Persad and Ezekiel J. Emanuel
Public Perspectives on COVID-19 Vaccine Prioritization, Govind Persad, Ezekiel J. Emanuel, Samantha Sangenito, Aaron Glickman, Steven Phillips, and Emily A. Largent
Allocating Scarce Life-saving Resources: The Proper Role of Age, Govind Persad and Steven Joffe
Disrupting Frivolous Defenses, Thomas D. Russell
Frivolous Defenses, Thomas D. Russell
The Fight Between Biden and Trump Over Executive Privilege Should Be Decided In Favor of the Sitting President, Laurent Sacharoff
Questions of Citizenship and the Nature of "The Public", Sarah Schindler
Rethinking the Fee Simple in Rural America, Sarah Schindler