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Document Type


Organizational Units

Sturm College of Law


Library anxiety, Anxiety, Law students, Stress, Academic excellence, Research anxiety, Library, Research, Technology, Online access


The purpose of this study was to determine whether law students experienced library anxiety and, if so, which components contributed to that anxiety. The Multidimensional Library Anxiety Scale (mlas) developed by Dr. Doris Van Kampen was used to assess library anxiety levels of law students. The mlas is a 53 question Likert scale instrument that measures the construct of library anxiety. Participants in the study were law students enrolled in a private midwestern university during the 2009-2010 academic year who completed the survey instrument. Law students are a unique graduate school population who undergo an extremely rigorous and competitive course of study, which often involves detailed legal research. As a result, they frequently utilize the library, whether on-site or online. If law students suffer from high levels of library anxiety, it could impact their ability to complete assignments and achieve high academic excellence. Through better understanding of law students' library anxiety levels, law school educators and librarians may be in a position to begin reducing or alleviating those anxieties.

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Stacey L. Bowers

File Format



English (eng)


160 pgs

File Size

675 KB
