"The Challenge of Regulating Pharmaceutical Clinical Trials in the 21st" by Alejandro Cerón, Antonio Ricafort et al.

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Organizational Units

College of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences, Anthropology


Public health, Right to health, Guatemala, Pharmaceutical clinical trials, Ethics, Medical research, Regulation


This report was prepared by the students and instructor of the "Right to Health in Theory and Practice" class taught in the fall of 2024 at the University of Denver. The report was prepared for the Vice Ministry of Health Regulation, Surveillance and Control of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance of Guatemala. The work used the following guiding question: What can a country like Guatemala do to regulate international pharmaceutical clinical trials in the context of research commercialization? In other words, the work was guided by three important elements. First, the regulatory aspect of clinical trials. Second, a focus specifically on clinical trials that are carried out with several countries involved in them. And finally, the current trend towards the commercialization of scientific research. The report includes an extended summary in Spanish that presents the main background of the research topic, the methods we used for the work, the main findings of this documentary research, and some recommendations. The report also includes individual papers organized in three categories: ethics in medical research, ethics in health care, commercialization of medical research, and recent trends.

Este informe fue preparado por los estudiantes y el instructor de la clase “Derecho a la salud en teoría y práctica” impartida en el otoño de 2024 en la Universidad de Denver. El informe fue preparado para el Viceministerio de Regulación, Vigilancia y Control de la Salud, del Ministerio de Salud Pública y Asistencia Social de Guatemala. El trabajo utilizó la siguiente pregunta orientadora: ¿Qué puede hacer un país como Guatemala para regular los ensayos clínicos farmacéuticos internacionales en el contexto de la comercialización de la investigación? Es decir que el trabajo se orientó por tres elementos importantes. En primer lugar, el aspecto regulatorio de los ensayos clínicos. En segundo lugar, un enfoque específicamente en ensayos clínicos que se llevan a cabo con varios países involucrados en ellos. Y finalmente, la tendencia actual que existe a la comercialización de la investigación científica. En este resumen en castellano se presentan los antecedentes principales del tema de la investigación, los métodos que utilizamos para el trabajo, los principales hallazgos de esta investigación documental, y las recomendaciones que nos permitimos formular.

Copyright Date


Copyright Statement / License for Reuse

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Rights Holder

Alejandro Cerón, Antonio Ricafort, Carter Saccocio, Maria DelMonte, Jordan Vasquez, Amarri Bishop, Julia Atwood, Addison Bucsko, Jordan Lewis, Alexandra Welch, Itzael Garcia, Ella Wald, Selena Johnson, Crystal Jin, Talya Riciputi, Lindsey Speer, Vanessa Udo-Obong, Soren Engberg, and Tessa Lindstrom


Received from author

File Format



English (eng), Spanish (spa)


92 pgs

File Size

1.7 MB

Publication Statement

Copyright is held by the author. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.
