"The Fashionable Horse: Ute Saddlebags and Saddle Blankets 1870–1925" by Margaret Mary Sell

The Fashionable Horse: Ute Saddlebags and Saddle Blankets 1870–1925

Date of Award


Document Type

Masters Research Paper

Degree Name


Organizational Unit

School of Art and Art History, College of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences

First Advisor

Annette Stott


Saddle blankets, Indian bead work, Ute Indians, Social life and customs, Bead work


This research paper examines the creation, design, and functions of ten Ute double saddlebags and four beaded Ute saddle blankets fabricated between 1870 and 1925. Based on this sample and comparison with additional Basin and Plains tribal dressings, it appears that Ute saddlebags and blankets possess a combination of characteristics that reflect Ute territory, lifestyle, and aesthetics. These attributes, including fabrication from hide; similar rectangular dimensions; simple geometric beadwork patterns that emphasize triangles; preference for blue, white, and yellow beads; largely solid colored backgrounds; and back entries into the bags, work together to create a style that is specifically Ute.

Publication Statement

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