"Illuminating Faith: The Bute Book of Hours" by Lori M. Grecco

Illuminating Faith: The Bute Book of Hours

Date of Award


Document Type

Masters Research Paper

Degree Name


Organizational Unit

School of Art and Art History, College of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences

First Advisor

Scott B. Montgomery


Manuscripts, English, Books of hours, England, Illumination of books and manuscripts


"The Bute Book of Hours, an English manuscript dating to c. 1500 in The Berger Collection at the Denver Art Museum, has received cursory attention from scholars in the past. This paper is the first to conduct a comprehensive examination of the object, evaluating its style, iconography, content, religious significance, and patronage. Careful study has revealed that the Bute Book is greatly indebted to early engravings for its imagery, perhaps more than any other known manuscript. The suffrages to saints were selected based on their powers against the plague, Tudor religious preferences, and regional significance. Special attention has been given to more unusual insertions such as Sts. Armel and Ninian, and Henry VI. The Bute Book of Hours was created for a wealthy Englishman, most likely with Yorkshire connections, and it illustrates the tenor of a nation undergoing rapid political, social and religious changes"

Publication Statement

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