"Treatment of Latino Sex Offenders: Taking a Culturally Sensitive Treat" by Christina Rascon

Treatment of Latino Sex Offenders: Taking a Culturally Sensitive Treatment Approach

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Capstone Project

Degree Name


Organizational Unit

Graduate School of Professional Psychology

First Advisor

Lavita Nadkarni

Second Advisor

Fernand Lubuguin

Third Advisor

Brenna Tindall


Latino sex offenders, Modified treatment plan, Cultural factors


In recent years, the literature investigating therapy with Latino and Spanish-speaking populations has been evolving. This expanding body of literature has revealed that in order to provide effective treatment to individuals of different ethnic and cultural groups, clinicians must consider cultural factors that may warrant a modified treatment plan (Carrasco & Garza-Louis, 1997; Gonzalez, Hindo, Pardo, 2011; Santiago- Rivera & Altarriba, 2002). Failure to take these cultural factors into account may reduce client engagement and ultimately impact treatment effectiveness (Cullen & Travin, 1990). To date, research pertaining to the treatment of Latino sex offenders is minimal. Therefore, this paper presents a culturally sensitive treatment approach to working with Latino sex offender populations. In doing so, the author highlights the four cultural factors --language, lack of sex education, attitudes towards sexuality, and the role of masculinity- that seem to impact a Latino client’s ability to engage in treatment in a meaningful manner. This paper offers treatment recommendations that may help increase the engagement of Latino clients in sex offense specific treatment.

Publication Statement

Copyright is held by the author. Permanently suppressed.


31 pages

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