Date of Award


Document Type

Doctoral Research Paper

Degree Name


Organizational Unit

Graduate School of Professional Psychology

First Advisor

Artur Poczwardowski

Second Advisor

Michael Karson

Third Advisor

Ann Leibovitz

Copyright Statement / License for Reuse

Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.


Student athlete, Injury, National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), Mental health, Mental skills


Athletic injury happens frequently and is rarely predictable. While injury is common in sport involvement at all levels, this proposal focused on National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) student-athletes and expanding the resources they have available to them. The vast literature on athletic injury and rehabilitation in sport has served researchers and academic consumers, and unfortunately, has lacked an easily accessible resource for student-athletes and sports medicine professionals to utilize. Therefore, the purpose of this doctoral paper was to propose a resource focused on post-athletic injury and written for collegiate student-athletes to understand called, The Secret Playbook. This playbook included information about (a) attuning to the student-athlete’s emotional response to injury, (b) identifying external mental health and sport psychology resources, and (c) implementing mental skills and coping mechanisms that they can employ while going through this transitional period. For optimal success, The Secret Playbook must be utilized in conjunction with sport psychology professionals and mental health providers.

Publication Statement

Copyright is held by the author. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.


58 pgs
