"Supporting Open Access Processes" by Chris L. Awre, Paul Stainthorp et al.


The HHuLOA project is a two-year collaborative project run by the Universities of Hull, Huddersfield, and Lincoln in the United Kingdom. The project is funded under the Jisc Open Access Good Practice Pathfinder Projects and seeks to identify how open access support mechanisms can be used to assist with the development of research. By working together, the institutions hope to achieve more than the sum of our individual developments. This paper outlines a number of work packages that the project has completed. These work packages have all involved crowdsourcing with other United Kingdom universities in order to sense check the outputs. A key part of the project was to disclose findings, in order to spread experience and good practice identified to the rest of the academic library community. This paper shows how some of the outputs can be used and suggests further development within the community. Finally, the project welcomes further feedback and examples of open access good practice that can be shared.
