Date of Award
Document Type
Masters Thesis
Degree Name
Organizational Unit
College of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences, Emergent Digital Practices
First Advisor
Rafael Fajardo
Second Advisor
Trace Reddell
Third Advisor
Lynn Schofield Clark
Ace attorney, Fanfiction, Metamodernism, Narrative, Post-postmodernism, Video game
This thesis proposes a metamodern shift in recent narrative trends, which incorporate modernist and postmodernist techniques for narrative. This includes narrative shifts which utilize postmodern devices such as irony and satire for seemingly modern ends such as hope and progress. This thesis posits that this shift can be understood through an analysis of emergent media, and considers the intertextual nature of fanfiction narratives emerging from games through a case study of Things Left Forgotten, a fanfiction written by Archive of Our Own user LookerDeWitt and based upon the two Dai Gyakuten Saiban games, spinoffs of the Ace Attorney series which are currently Japan-exclusive. This analysis seeks to identify metamodern narrative techniques, focusing on metamodern oscillation between modernism and postmodernism, the metamodern “as if” mindset, the return to earnestness through a repurposing of postmodern and modern narrative conventions, a specifically metamodern understanding of paradox, the dissolution of clearly defined boundaries stemming from an increasingly globalized world, and the uniquely reconstructive nature of metamodern narratives.
Copyright Date
January 2020
Publication Statement
Copyright is held by the author. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.
Rights Holder
Gina Barbieri
Received from ProQuest
File Format
File Size
186 p.
Recommended Citation
Barbieri, Gina, "The Emerging Metamodern Sensibility in Narrative: A Case Study of Things Left Forgotten and the Dai Gyakuten Saiban Games" (2020). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 1719.
Comparative literature