"Youth with Juvenile Justice Contact: Special Considerations in Measure" by Anne Elizabeth Biehl

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name


Organizational Unit

Morgridge College of Education, Teaching and Learning Sciences

First Advisor

Tara C. Raines

Second Advisor

Denis Dumas

Third Advisor

Gloria Miller

Fourth Advisor

Heather Taussig


Factor analysis, Juvenile justice, Measurement invariance, School psychology


Students who have contact with the juvenile justice system are a particularly vulnerable and unique school-aged population. The risk factors that plague the likelihood of justice-involvement are numerous and inter-connected. Early experiences of trauma and adversity, limited familial and financial capital, and challenges with mental health all contribute to increased likelihood of youth contact with juvenile justice systems. Despite said risk factors effects on young people overall, youth of color are particularly susceptible to become justice-involved. School and community discipline statistics are grossly, racially disproportionate.

Pathways from schools to the justice system have been widely investigate in the literature. There remains issue in the practical application of solution-oriented steps to ameliorate systemic barriers. This paper will call for a shift in school psychological practice that leans into prevention through accurate and specific measurement. This paper will explore the grounds for consideration of youth with justice-involvement as a special population with unique characteristics. It will call for increased research exploring the assessment of this special population and provide evidence for the usefulness and appropriateness of a common school-based risk screener as a specific tool for the identification of risk for justice-involvement.

Copyright Date

January 2020

Publication Statement

Copyright is held by the author. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.

Rights Holder

Anne E. Biehl


Received from ProQuest

File Format




File Size

83 p.


