"A Black Feminist Quare Interrogation of Stud Misogyny in Black Queer W" by Taisha McMickens

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name


Organizational Unit

College of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences, Intercultural Global Studies

First Advisor

Bernadette Calafell

Second Advisor

Christina Foust

Third Advisor

Elizabeth Suter

Fourth Advisor

Frank Tuitt

Fifth Advisor

Kate Willink


Black queer media, Black queer women, Communication studies, Matrix of domination, Quare theory, Stud misogyny


The purpose of this Black feminist-quare study is to analyze the relationship between misogyny and queer masculinity performed by “studs” in Black queer web series located on YouTube.com: Women of Atlanta TV, New York Girls TV, Choiices The Series, and The Best Friend. Studs are masculine-identified Black lesbians. Stud misogyny is tethered to histories of the patriarchal gaze on Black women’s bodies. This gaze exposes stud and femme queers to layers of violence challenging us to rethink masculinities outside of the colonial imagination. I employ a Black Feminist Quare theoretical framework to attend to stud’s embodied experiences, challenge restrictive frames of Black lesbian sexuality, and name the systems of oppression implicated in negative frames of Black lesbianism. To analyze the web series and respective viewer comments, I use the Matrix of Domination as an Intersectional method committed to revealing power systems that lead to the conflation of stud with misogyny in media. In the conclusion, I advance the call for a Love Ethic in seeking liberation for Black queer women in media and beyond.

Copyright Date

January 2020

Publication Statement

Copyright is held by the author. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.

Rights Holder

Taisha McMickens


Received from ProQuest

File Format




File Size

195 p.


Communication, Black studies, LGBTQ studies
