Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation in Practice

Degree Name


Organizational Unit

Morgridge College of Education, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

First Advisor

Kristina Hesbol

Second Advisor

Erin Anderson

Third Advisor

Richard Charles


Critical self-reflection, Culturally responsive school leadership, Humanizing, Inclusiveness, Social justice, Transformative leadership


This study examined how school leaders can differentiate their approach using a self-reporting psychometric instrument called the Emergenetics® Profile when engaged in critical self-reflection. Using a multiple case study approach, three urban school leaders engaged in the deconstructing and reconstructing of knowledge frameworks specific to deficit thinking. The Emergenetics Profile served as a lens to critically self-reflect in order to differentiate their approach to the disrupt deficit thinking practices in their schools (Browning 2007; Khalifa, 2018; Shields, 2018). This study integrated these insights from critical self-reflection and the awareness gained by school leaders through their Emergenetics preferences to change their approach as they interacted with others. The specific problem of practice guiding this study was the disconnect that exists between critical self-reflection by the school leader and implementation of Culturally Responsive School Leadership (CRSL) strategies to sustain change. In other words, how can critical self-reflection support a differentiated approach for implementing CRSL strategies based on how people think and behave. The research question for this multiple case study was:

How will the use of the Emergenetics Profile influence the way school leaders engage in critical self-reflection as they disrupt deficit thinking within their school communities?

Copyright Date

January 2021

Publication Statement

Copyright is held by the author. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.

Rights Holder

Deborah McKelvey Brown


Received from ProQuest

File Format




File Size

134 pgs


Educational leadership
