Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name


Organizational Unit

Morgridge College of Education, Higher Education

First Advisor

Nicholas J. Cutforth

Second Advisor

Amy M. Roberts

Third Advisor

Robyn Thomas Pitts


Child welfare, Early care and education, Phenomenology, Program evaluation, Qualitative research methods


Qualitative secondary analysis (QSA) allows researchers to explore new research questions and ensure that participants’ voices are heard to the greatest extent possible, without the burdens of additional data collection. However, this approach is rarely used outside of the health sciences, and little guidance exists in the literature about how to conduct QSA. This study is a secondary analysis of qualitative program evaluation data related to the well-being of human services professionals from two fields: child welfare and early care and education (ECE). It explores these professionals’ well-being, as well as the methodological issues of how well-being has been addressed in workforce studies and the successes and challenges of conducting QSA. Analytical techniques included coding based on phenomenology and qualitative content analysis. Findings inform best practices in conducting QSA, suggest ways in which ECE and child welfare evaluators could more robustly study well-being, and contribute to the body of knowledge regarding the well-being of professionals who work with young children and families.

Publication Statement

Copyright is held by the author. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.

Rights Holder

Elizabeth Ann Deaton Wacker


Received from ProQuest

File Format




File Size

196 pgs


Social research, Early childhood education, Social work
