Date of Award


Document Type

Masters Thesis

Degree Name


Organizational Unit

College of Natural Science and Mathematics, Chemistry and Biochemistry

First Advisor

Brian W. Michel

Second Advisor

Cedric S. Asensio

Third Advisor

Michelle K. Knowles

Fourth Advisor

Bryan J. Cowen


Cellular probe, Chemical biology, Detection, Ethylene, Organic chemistry


The structure of ethylene is simple, yet its biological effects are significant. When considering its role in biology it is almost exclusively regarded as a plant hormone. Research on ethylene from plants was progressed by several advancements in analytical instrumentation, from its discovery to elucidation of its signaling pathway. There is currently limited understanding of ethylene’s role in mammals, but evidence suggests that it may be a biomarker for oxidative stress! Additional tools and technology are crucial to study this surprising and important signaling role in mammals. Our group has developed molecular ethylene probes as a strategy to detect ethylene at the cellular level. The first chapter of this thesis will give a brief history of ethylene’s role in biology, methods of ethylene detection, and molecular approaches to detect ethylene. The second chapter will describe our work to develop organometallic probes tailored for applications in mammalian ethylene detection, specifically localization to membrane-rich regions to increase sensitivity.

Publication Statement

Copyright is held by the author. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.

Rights Holder

Morgan R. Brown


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File Size

123 pgs


