Date of Award


Document Type

Masters Thesis

Degree Name


Organizational Unit

College of Natural Science and Mathematics, Biological Sciences

First Advisor

Erich Kushner

Second Advisor

J. Todd Blankenship

Third Advisor

Erich Chapmen

Fourth Advisor

Cedric Asensio


EHD2, Endothelial cells, Biophysics


The role of EHD2 in terms of Cav1 interaction had not been previously characterized and was the main goal of this research. Cav1 has been shown to lead to the ubiquitination of Rac1. Because of this, the role of EHD2 in Rac1 regulation was investigated. An increase in long-term migration in endothelial cells was observed and suggested that EHD2 impacts the RhoA pathway instead of the Rac1 pathway. This lead to the hypothesis that EHD2 controls a part of the RhoA pathway. This hypothesis is supported by the loss of filamentous actin and an increase in serrated junctions in cells that have an excess of EHD2. This change is not just seen in cells - when EHD2 is knocked out in fish, there are visible changes in the junctions that are similar to what occurs in the EHD2si Endothelial cells.

Copyright Date

January 2022

Publication Statement

Copyright is held by the author. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.

Rights Holder

Rachael Judson


Received from ProQuest

File Format




File Size

55 pgs


Biophysics, Biology
