Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Organizational Unit
College of Natural Science and Mathematics, Geography and the Environment
First Advisor
E. Eric Boschmann
Second Advisor
Andrew Goetz
Third Advisor
Helen Hazen
Fourth Advisor
Philip Pendergast
Copyright Statement / License for Reuse
All Rights Reserved.
Accessibility, Modifiable areal unit problem, Neoliberalism, Spatial resolution, Temporal resolution
This dissertation explores accessibility via public transit through several lenses. In doing so, some of the lesser known nuances of accessibility are better understood. These nuances are explored in several ways. First, various demographic variables and their relationship to accessibility to jobs via public transit are modeled at a fine spatial resolution in an exploratory analysis across several cities in the United States. Next, temporal and spatial resolution and their impacts on accessibility to jobs via public transit are analyzed and quantified in several cities across the United States. Finally, the relationship between neoliberalism and public transit accessibility is explored in a qualitative discourse analysis of public transit planning in Denver, Colorado. The dissertation concludes with a discussion of contributions to the literature, research limitations, and policy recommendations based upon the findings.
Copyright Date
Publication Statement
Copyright is held by the author. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.
Rights Holder
Joe Chestnut
Received from ProQuest
File Format
English (eng)
159 pgs
File Size
4.9 MB
Recommended Citation
Chestnut, Joe, "Understanding the Nuances of Transit Accessibility: Temporal and Spatial Resolution, and Neoliberalism" (2024). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 2393.