Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name


Organizational Unit

College of Natural Science and Mathematics, Biological Sciences

First Advisor

Scott A. Barbee

Second Advisor

Yan Qin

Third Advisor

Eugenia Olesnicky

Fourth Advisor

Daniel Linseman


Drosophila melanogaster, mRNA, Enhancer of mRNA-decay 3 (Edc3)


Enhancer of mRNA-decay 3 (Edc3) is a component of multiple decapping complexes that regulates the transcriptome by targeting a subset of transcripts for decapping for 5’-to-3’ messenger RNA (mRNA) decay. A missense mutation in the conserved Lsm domain of Edc3 has been reported in two siblings presenting with mild, non-syndromic intellectual disability (ID), however, the role of Edc3 is neuronal development has never been evaluated. Here, we use the Drosophila melanogaster model system to investigate the effects of Edc3 disruption on neuronal development. We found Edc3 reduction leads to significant hyperplasia at the larval neuromuscular junction (NMJ), providing the first evidence of a synaptic phenotype of Edc3 in any model system. To better understand how Edc3 regulates neurite morphogenesis in Drosophila, we performed RNA-sequencing and identified a subset of neuronal transcripts differentially stabilized when Edc3 is disrupted, with the bulk of genes downregulated. We performed a genetic interaction NMJ screen and identified several candidate genes predicted to be targets of Edc3 for decapping and 5’-to-3’ mRNA decay to regulate neurite morphogenesis. Additionally, we found several targets that interact genetically with Edc3 that are downregulated when Edc3 expression is reduced, suggesting Edc3 may target these transcripts to regulate neurite morphogenesis independently of the 5’-to-3’ mRNA decay pathway.

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Keelan Zius


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English (eng)


125 pgs

File Size

16.2 MB

Available for download on Wednesday, August 06, 2025
