Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name


Organizational Unit

Daniels College of Business

First Advisor

Daniel Baack

Second Advisor

Ana Babic-Rosario

Third Advisor

David Corsun


Bourdieu, Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurial identity, Habitus, Impostor syndrome, Impostorism


Entrepreneurship is often portrayed as a glamorous pursuit of success but conceals a darker side, exacerbated by impostorism, characterized by challenges, identity conflicts, and diminished well-being. This "dark side" of entrepreneurship is seldom explored due to our collective fascination with the central figure of the entrepreneur. Impostorism is a prevalent phenomenon among individuals who perceive that their role is beyond their capabilities and fear being exposed as a "fake." Impostorism can have negative consequences, including self-sabotage, missed opportunities, and difficulty in seeking help or support, which can impact the ability of entrepreneurs to take entrepreneurial action and experience well-being.

This study builds on identity, entrepreneurial identity, and leadership literatures to explore the impact, antecedents, and consequences of impostorism on entrepreneurial identity. Through a qualitative approach, I explored the lived experiences of entrepreneurs contending with impostorism and its role in shaping their entrepreneurial identity. Semistructured interviews were conducted with those who identify as experiencing impostorism, as well as entrepreneurs who do not identify as experiencing impostorism. Participants were entrepreneurs who wish to grow their ventures. Thematic analysis was used to identify themes and patterns within the data, guided by the research question: How does an entrepreneur’s experience with impostorism shape their entrepreneurial identity?

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Megan Laura Weber


Received from ProQuest

File Format



English (eng)


305 pgs

File Size

13.4 MB

Available for download on Thursday, August 06, 2026
