"Diagrams in Involutive Residuated Lattices" by Isis A. Gallardo

Date of Award

Summer 8-24-2024

Document Type


Degree Name


Organizational Unit

College of Natural Science and Mathematics, Mathematics

First Advisor

Nikolaos Galatos

Second Advisor

Michael Kinyon

Third Advisor

Petr VojtΔ›chovskΓ½

Fourth Advisor

Mandi Schaeffer Fry

Fifth Advisor

Mohammad Mahoor

Copyright Statement / License for Reuse

All Rights Reserved
All Rights Reserved.


Decidability, Diagrams, Generation, Involutive, Residuated lattices


First, we show that every distributive lattice-ordered pregroup can be embedded into a functional algebra over an integral chain, thereby improving the existing Cayley/Holland style embedding theorem. Using this result, we demonstrate that the variety of all dis tributive lattice-ordered pregroups is generated by the functional algebra on the integers. Additionally, we prove that the equational theory of this variety is decidable.

Next, we establish that DLP is equal to the join of its subvarieties LPn, where 𝑛 ∈ β„€+, consisting of 𝑛-periodic β„“-pregroups. We also prove that every algebra in LPn can be embedded into the subalgebra 𝙡𝑛(Ω) of 𝑛-periodic elements of 𝙡(Ω), for some integral chain Ω. This representation shows that, for every 𝑛, the variety LPn is generated by the single algebra 𝙡𝑛(β„š β†’β¨―β„€), noting that the chain β„š β†’β¨―β„€ is independent of 𝑛.

We further establish that every algebra in LPn can be embedded into the wreath product of an β„“-group and 𝙡𝑛(β„€), highlighting the significant role of the simple 𝑛-periodic β„“-pregroup 𝙡𝑛(β„€). We also show that the join of the varieties 𝖡(𝙡𝑛(β„€)) equals DLP and thus matches the join of the varieties LPn, even though 𝖡(𝙡𝑛(β„€)) β‰  LPn for any single 𝑛. In this way, DLP has two different well-behaved approximations. Additionally, we demonstrate that, for every 𝑛, the equational theory of 𝙡𝑛(β„€) is decidable. Using the wreath product decomposition, we establish that the equational theory of LPn is also decidable.

Applying similar strategies, we investigate certain varieties of full weakening relations on a chain and prove the decidability of these varieties. We also present the construction of a potential non-distributive β„“-pregroup and provide preliminary results towards proving this claim.

Copyright Date


Publication Statement

Copyright is held by the author. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.

Rights Holder

Isis A. Gallardo


Received from Author

File Format



English (eng)


155 pgs

File Size

1.1 MB

Available for download on Saturday, September 27, 2025
