"Population Genetic Diversity in Two Biological Systems" by Alyson Emery

Date of Award

Summer 8-24-2024

Document Type

Masters Thesis

Degree Name

M.S. in Biological Sciences

Organizational Unit

College of Natural Science and Mathematics, Biological Sciences

First Advisor

Erica L. Larson

Second Advisor

Jonathan P. Velotta

Third Advisor

Anna A. Sher

Copyright Statement / License for Reuse

All Rights Reserved
All Rights Reserved.


Ecological restoration, Hybridization, Next-generation sequencing, Population genetics


Population genetic analysis can be used to answer questions about population structure and composition in many biological systems. Recent improvements to sequencing technologies have made population genetic studies more accessible than ever before. Many of the same techniques can be applied to different biological systems, but some analyses may differ depending on how genetically divergent the populations in question are. Here, we describe two unique projects using next-generation genome sequencing, each looking at population structure at different levels of genetic divergence: the first involved determining interspecific population structure between two species of hybridizing field cricket using a novel sequencing method, and the second involved analyzing intraspecific population differentiation of a grassland restoration species to refine seed sourcing strategies in the western US.

Copyright Date


Publication Statement

Copyright is held by the author. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.

Rights Holder

Alyson Emery


Received from Author

File Format



English (eng)


61 pgs

File Size

4.6 MB

Available for download on Sunday, September 27, 2026
