"An Investigation into the Relationship Between Conscientiousness, Self" by Tanja M. Hinterstoisser

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name


Organizational Unit

Morgridge College of Education

First Advisor

Patrick Sherry, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Jesse Valdez

Third Advisor

Barbara Vollmer

Fourth Advisor

Vijaya Narapareddy


Burnout, Conscientiousness, Emotional intelligence, Personality, Self-awareness, Stress


The purpose of this study was to investigate whether, and to what extent, Conscientiousness, as part of the personality construct, and Self-Awareness, as part of the emotional intelligence construct, influence the occupational stress outcomes of absenteeism and burnout in culinary chefs. The research method and design selected for this study was a quantitative correlation and regression. The researcher selected the Self-Awareness factors from the ECI - 2.0, and the Conscientiousness factors from the NEO-FFI to measure the individual and interactive effect on absenteeism and burnout. The experience of burnout itself was measured the Maslach Burnout Inventory - GS, and absenteeism was measured by reported number of days absent from work. This study utilized an online survey of 66 questions, including 39 items based on these well-established measures in scholarly research and 27demographic items compiled by the researcher.

Of the 213 restaurant chefs who were sent the survey, 70 responded rendering a return rate of 32.86%. The majority of the respondents were Caucasian males of an average age of 35. Nearly one-third of the sample was composed of Executive Chefs, while approximately 29 percent were Sous-Chefs. Another 14 percent were Chef Owners, and 13 percent were Junior Chefs. The vast majority (89 percent) worked at a free-standing restaurant.

The findings of this study revealed that Conscientiousness significantly affect burnout in culinary chefs. No other tested variables correlated with statistical significance in this study. Several non-tested variables demonstrated significant correlations in the relationships between demographic data, Conscientiousness, and burnout primarily.

This study contributes to the field by adding information for future research ideas, literature reviews, research design, and data collection and analysis when utilizing Conscientiousness, Self-Awareness, burnout and absenteeism in the study of occupational stress outcomes. Specifically, it addressed some important first step finding for understanding how certain personality factors and emotional intelligence factors might influence occupational stress outcomes in culinary chefs.

Copyright Date

August 2011

Publication Statement

Copyright is held by the author. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.

Rights Holder

Tanja M. Hinterstoisser


Received from ProQuest

File Format




File Size

157 p.


Counseling psychology, Organizational behavior, Occupational psychology
