Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Organizational Unit
Biological Sciences
First Advisor
Keith E. Miller, Ph.D.
Second Advisor
Amy Bauer
Third Advisor
Brian J. Majestic
Fourth Advisor
Alex Huffman
Fifth Advisor
Michael Kerwin
Chromatography, HPLC, High Performance Liquid Chromatography, Hydrodynamic, Laponite-RD, Nanoparticle, Wide-bore
The objectives of this research dissertation were to develop and present novel analytical methods for the quantification of surface binding interactions between aqueous nanoparticles and water-soluble organic solutes. Quantification of nanoparticle surface interactions are presented in this work as association constants where the solutes have interacted with the surface of the nanoparticles. By understanding these nanoparticle-solute interactions, in part through association constants, the scientific community will better understand how organic drugs and nanomaterials interact in the environment, as well as to understand their eventual environmental fate. The biological community, pharmaceutical, and consumer product industries also have vested interests in nanoparticle-drug interactions for nanoparticle toxicity research and in using nanomaterials as drug delivery vesicles. The presented novel analytical methods, applied to nanoparticle surface association chemistry, may prove to be useful in assisting the scientific community to understand the risks, benefits, and opportunities of nanoparticles. The development of the analytical methods presented uses a model nanoparticle, Laponite-RD (LRD). LRD was the proposed nanoparticle used to model the system and technique because of its size, 25 nm in diameter. The solutes selected to model for these studies were chosen because they are also environmentally important. Caffeine, oxytetracycline (OTC), and quinine were selected to use as models because of their environmental importance and chemical properties that can be exploited in the system. All of these chemicals are found in the environment; thus, how they interact with nanoparticles and are transported through the environment is important. The analytical methods developed utilize and a wide-bore hydrodynamic chromatography to induce a partial hydrodynamic separation between nanoparticles and dissolved solutes. Then, using deconvolution techniques, two separate elution profiles for the nanoparticle and organic solute can be obtained. Followed by a mass balance approach, association constants between LRD, our model nanoparticle, and organic solutes are calculated. These findings are the first of their kind for LRD and nanoclays in dilute dispersions.
Copyright Date
January 2012
Publication Statement
Copyright is held by the author. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.
Rights Holder
Kellen John Sorauf
Received from ProQuest
File Format
File Size
203 p.
Recommended Citation
Sorauf, Kellen John, "A Hydrodynamic Method for Measuring Aqueous Nanoparticle Surface Interactions" (2012). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 932.
Analytical Chemistry