Enhancement of Remote Sensing for Mobile Source Nitric Oxide
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Document Type
Organizational Units
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Atmospheric chemistry, Emissions, Pollutants
A nitric oxide (NO) detector was developed and integrated into the original carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbon (HC) remote sensing system developed by the University of Denver. The system is capable of measuring the CO, HC, and NO exhaust emissions of thousands of on-road vehicles per day. Analysis of a typical field measurement in Denver shows CO, HC, and NO emissions have similar statistics which can be well represented by a gamma distribution. The fraction of NO high emitters tends to increase with age, apparently arising from deterioration of the emissions control system. This paper presents the inverse relationship between NO and either CO or HC emission.
Publication Statement
Copyright held by the Air & Waste Management Association.
Recommended Citation
Zhang, Y.; Stedman, D. H.; Bishop, G. A.; Beaton, S. P.; Guenther, P. L.; McVey, I. F., Enhancement of remote sensing for mobile source nitric oxide. J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc. 1996, 46, 25-29, DOI: 10.1080/10473289.1996.10467437.