Date of Award
Fall 8-24-2024
Document Type
Masters Capstone Project
Degree Name
M.S. in Geographic Information Science
Organizational Unit
College of Natural Science and Mathematics, Geography and the Environment
Copyright Statement / License for Reuse
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Airlines, United Airlines, Southwest Airlines, Flight delays, Geographic information science, Airline routes
This GIS project explores the relationship between airline route networks and flight delays for two U.S. Airlines. Using data obtained from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), route networks were created for United and Southwest Airlines showing all flights that each carrier reported in 2023. The airlines of interest were selected due to their opposing route network types; commonly referred to as a hub-and-spoke (HS) and a point-to-point (PTP) route network, respectively. Link charts were created to calculate centrality metrics quantifying these networks, and flight delay data were manipulated and summarized to develop an ArcGIS Dashboard with which any ArcGIS Online (AGOL) account holder may explore interactively. The results of this analysis found quantifiably significant differences in route network centrality and flight delays across the airlines of interest.
Copyright Date
Publication Statement
Copyright is held by the author. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.
Rights Holder
Robert Brown
Received from author
File Format
English (eng)
51 pgs
File Size
2.3 MB
Recommended Citation
Brown, Robert, "A Comparative GIS Analysis of United and Southwest Airlines Route Networks" (2024). Geography and the Environment: Graduate Student Capstones. 87.