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Organizational Units

College of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences, Lamont School of Music, Musicology and Ethnomusicology


J Dilla, Maurice Ravel, Orchestration, Arrangement, Hip-hop


This paper explores the parallels between Classical orchestration techniques and Hip- Hop production. Using the works of producer/composer J Dilla and composer/orchestrator Maurice Ravel, the paper seeks to answer the question: How might Maurice Ravel’s orchestration and composition techniques have influenced, directly or indirectly, the production and composition techniques of J Dilla? Various recordings from across Dilla’s career, including selections from Fantastic, Vol. 2 and Donuts serve as a vehicle for looking at music from a technical and process perspective, attempting to put aside aesthetic conventions and analyses to allow vastly “different” musical idioms to be discussed together. Ravel’s work, including Boléro, Le Tombeau de Couperin, and Jeau d’eau, is analysed more for his arrangement and orchestration techniques rather than thematic or melodic content.

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Rights Holder

Richard Tucker


Received from author

File Format



English (eng)


4 pgs

File Size

112 KB

Publication Statement

Copyright is held by the author. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.

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Musicology Commons
