Aims & Scope | The Liminal: Interdisciplinary Journal of Technology in Education | University of Denver

Aims & Scope

The journal shall serve to capture trends in research and practicum of the use of technology in education, and pose questions, critiques, and projections of the future outcomes of those trends, which exist in moments of uncertainty.

The journal shall recommend innovative pedagogies that utilize technology to facilitate the learning experience. The journal shall acknowledge whether some of those innovative pedagogies will become part of educational policies remain to be seen. The journal shall publish forecasts of educational futures that are based on observations of new technological developments, which are always in flux.

We publish peer-reviewed papers, case studies, reflections on current issues, reviews of books, reviews of games, comments on articles and discussions related to the mission of the journal. We expect this online open access journal to be in a state of perpetual beta just like technology and education is.

The publication language of the journal is English with selected pieces translated into French. We encourage inclusion of bilingual terms, quotes and references.