"Public Outreach for Curing Salt Lake City's Bad Air Quality" by Rachel Tew

Public Outreach for Curing Salt Lake City's Bad Air Quality

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Applied Science

Organizational Unit

University College, Environmental Policy and Management


Environmental Policy & Mgmt

First Advisor

Jerry Barker


Air quality, Salt Lake City, Utah, Public outreach programs, Inversion, Winter atmospheric inversion


Recent medical research indicates that air pollution is a more serious public health problem than previously thought. Salt Lake City consistently ranks in the top ten U.S. cities for the worst air pollution. The purpose of this capstone project was to evaluate Salt Lake City's public outreach approach to reducing the accumulation of air pollutants in winter atmospheric inversions by evaluating existing outreach programs. A survey was completed by 66 Utah residents to understand ways to improve the program. The survey identified a need to improve the existing outreach program. The proposed new program would focus on target audiences of Salt Lake City's suburban areas where residents are generally less aware of environmental issues and concerns.

Publication Statement

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